Sunday, November 4, 2018

Kindle Money Mastery 2.0

K Money Mastery Is The 
Most Proven Step-By-Step System 
For Making Money With
Kindle Publishing

I will take you by the hand and show you step-by-step how you can finally make a killing just by selling Kindle e-books that will generate passive income, month after month.

Best of all is that you can start applying my profit-inducing system in just five minutes from now...

Even If You’re A Complete Newbie!


Lesson 1: Finding A Profitable Niche
Lesson 2: Keyword Research
Lesson 3: Creating A Title That Sells
Lesson 4: Design A Cover That Sells
Lesson 5: Kindle Book Creation
Lesson 6: Preparing Your Book For Publishing
Lesson 7: Creating A KDP Account
Lesson 8: Publishing Your Book On Kindle
Lesson 9: Viewing Your Kindle Book
Lesson 10: Getting Amazon Reviews
Lesson 11: Marketing Your Book On KDP Select
​Lesson 12: Using Twitter & Facebook To Promote Your Book
Lesson 13: Additional Book Promotion Strategies
Lesson 14: Boosting Your Amazon Keyword Rankings
Lesson 15: Setting Up Your Amazon Author Central Account
Lesson 16: Monetizing Your Kindle Book
Lesson 17: Creating A Series Of Books & Monetizing The Back-End
Lesson 18: Dealing With Negative Reviews
Lesson 19: Scaling Up Your Kindle Books And Making More Money
Lesson 20: How To Make Your Books Profitable Long-Term
Lesson 21: How To Track, Manage & Optimize Your Kindle Books

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