Sunday, November 4, 2018

Freedom Self Publishing - Kindle Publishing Training Course

What is Freedom Self Publishing?
Freedom Self Publishing is the most complete Kindle training course available. It teaches you exactly what you need to know to be successful at selling e-books on Amazon Kindle, and how to start making passive income online!
What's Included?
The recently updated 2.0 version includes over 40+ videos currently, showing you step by step how to publish a book on Amazon. It includes things such as:

How to choose niches that are GUARANTEED to make you money
How to pay someone else to write your books for you inexpensively
How to get a book cover made for as little as $2.50
How to get book reviews
How to turn your book into paperback and audiobook editions
How to double your profits by turning your Kindle book into a paperback and audiobook
Advanced pricing strategies that will massively boost your income
How to hire VA’s to run your business so it becomes completely passive
How to build a back-end to your business and make extra money selling high-end products

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